We Pray…
Prayer is powerful, as many of us at St. John’s have experienced. It connects us
with God, and God with us. For many of us, prayer is a crucial part of our faith. And so we pray, not
just for ourselves, but especially for others who may need it.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is not asking God for what we want or to fix our problems, but rather asking
God for what we need. Sometimes those two are each other’s opposite. And that’s
okay, because when we ask, God will help us make things clearer. As a result, we
feel we are supported, carried by a power much bigger than we can imagine. And
somehow, things will work out – although often in ways that are different from what
we expected…
The ways we pray
Personal Prayer Resources
For many people, prayer is a daily routine. Not everyone finds prayer to be easy or natural though. Here are some resources that might help you with your own personal prayers.
Community Prayer Resources
Have you been asked to share in our Community Prayer time? Here are some resources that may help.
The Prayer Box
While we regularly pray for our community during the Community Prayer time on Sunday mornings, we’ve decided to add a little something different to the mix. If you have a specific prayer request, please fill out our Prayer Box form and once a cycle we will light candles and pray for all of our requests.