Small Group Ministries are crucial to many urban churches. St. John’s is no different. Interested in joining an existing group or starting a new small group? Connie would be happy to help you figure it out!

Spiritual Friends
(Meets Mondays at 5:30pm online)
Sometimes Bible Study, sometimes theology study. Always good discussion.

St. John’s Book Club
(Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month Sept 2024 -May 2025)
“The Only Woman in the Room”, Marie Benedict
“Harvesting Freedom: the life of Migrants Workers in Canada”, Gabriel Allahdua (E. Dunsworth)
“Birnam Wood”, Eleanor Catton
“We’re All in This Together”, Amy Jones
“None of This Is True”, Lisa Jewell
“Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Irland”, Patrick Radden Keefe
“Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast”, John Vaillant
“Normal Rules Don’t Apply”, Kate Atkinson

Manna for Health
A special needs food program whose purpose is to assist in meeting the needs of people living with HIV and other life threatening illnesses.
For more information, please contact the church office at

Sunday School
(Meets each Sunday during worship)
Each week we might talk about the lectionary readings from a family point of view and maybe do a craft or play a game together. You never know how the story will be presented!

Youth Group
(Meets every second Sunday at 5-7pm)
If you’re between the ages of 12 & 18, join our Youth Group which meets at 6025 Stanley Street on Sundays from 5:00 – 7:00 pm (dinner is included!). Contact Kathy Cawsey for more information
The Youth Group is looking for people to provide dinners for our Sunday evening meetings. If this is something you feel you are able to do once a year or once a week.

Adult Choir
(Rehearsal Thursdays at 7:00 pm, Sunday warm-ups at 9:30am)
For more information about joining the choir, email Ray

Bell Choir
(Rehearsal Thursdays at 5:45 pm, Sunday warm-ups at 9:30am)
For more information about joining the choir, email Ray
Caring Connections
We provide spiritual care to those of any age who are lonely and/or isolated. Our mandate is to call or visit those who are unable to attend church and to provide communion to them on occasion. If you know someone who could benefit from a caring connection, please email